Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Basics: Antivirus Software

Almost a week goes by without a new virus, Trojan horses, worms, spyware, or other forms of malicious software news again. Protect your computer from malicious intruders need a health warning - a little more help, antivirus expert.

Antivirus software is also far exceeded the detection of the virus. The majority of anti-virus software can detect and eliminate various types of malicious software, including viruses, Trojan horses, worms, spyware and even phishing attacks. (We will use the term virus refers to all the malicious software.) Anti-virus software from a number of different suppliers; each application has its own method of virus detection and attack.

The main component of the antivirus program to scan engine, the birth of the computer files, looking for evidence of a virus. In the past, anti-virus engines use two common methods to detect viruses. Some used the heuristic engine to detect the virus structure and activities; others in the use of a database of known viruses comparison. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. Anti-virus engine, the use of heuristic methods are considered able to cope with any type of virus attacks, viruses, even new and unknown security community; they may also be a wake-up call, even in the absence of the virus is actually present. Anti-virus engine to use a database of virus is unlikely to have false positives, but they were unable to determine the new virus, until the developer provides an updated anti-virus database.

As a mature anti-virus software, developers realized that these two methods to detect the location of their own. The most advanced anti-virus software using a combination of both methods. Updated anti-virus software, is now automated; the majority of anti-virus software can phone home to check the virus database updates, and automatically download and install them, because they can also be used.

A growing trend of anti-virus market is online virus detection. You can configure your browser, anti-virus company's designated web page, a remote scan of your computer viruses. There is no need to install anti-virus program, or have it actively running on your computer. Some ISP (Internet service providers), including an online scanning service as part of their services.

Also included is a new anti-virus protection, network routers, which is commonly used by families and small business users to connect multiple computers to an ISP account. Antivirus support services is provided to secure your computer. In many cases, when you buy a router, you will have before it a few months to a year of free anti-virus services;, you have to pay monthly fees to continue the supply of anti-virus coverage.

Based on the new mobile phone virus. Many anti-virus software developers are dealing with this threat to run on new products and mobile phones. Many developers have to deal with the explosion of wireless networking products, detection of unauthorized Wi-Fi invasion.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Best Spyware Protection Programs/Tools

The important thing is that you actively participate in the protection of your computer systems and personal information from spyware and other malicious software applications. There are several antispyware applications, you can use your computer to monitor suspicious activity, to identify known malicious software and to solve the problem.

Windows Defender

If you are a Windows user, then you will want to use free tool for Windows Defender from Microsoft. The project was consistent with Windows Vista, but if you are running XP, it still can be downloaded for free. This procedure will scan your system for malicious software, to prevent known criminals and the need to repair your files.

Malware bytes anti-malware

One of the most popular free antispyware software is malicious software application services bytes anti-malware, also known as the MBAM. The purpose of this program is for Windows and Windows 2000, XP and Vista. This project in particular, its ultra-fast scanning, it's reputation to catch up with some nastier infections, Miss some other programs, and also provides a tool that allows you to search for malicious programs manually and selectively delete them.

PCTools Spyware Doctor

Another anti-spyware application, you can free download is the PCTools Spyware Doctor. Simplified version of the program is free of charge through Google Pack. The plan will allow you to scan your entire system of software applications, it will delete the threat of targeted, it provides real-time protection, it is easy to use, and can only remind you that when there is a legitimate threat to your system, rather than to alert you every time to download or install a legitimate computer program like many other procedures.


The oldest of the free market, anti-spyware application is Spybot. Spybot can scan worm and intercept and remove spyware and adware. you can run the analyzer, including a free download, it can help you to identify weaknesses in your system, the document analyzer, it can help you analyze the document structure and RegAlyzer, the scan and repair registry errors and problems .

Super anti-spyware

Super antispyware software is another program to provide real-time protection of the use of heuristics. This plan allows you to schedule your scan, it does not monopolize your system resources, so that performance is not injured, at the same time run the program.

Go for antispyware support services which are common among computer enthusiasts if you face any kind of problem with your computer.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

How to get rid of Spyware

Spyware is the kind of software which is install automatically from INTERNET and get the information about your computer with out their knowledge. On Internet,spy ware is programming that that enter in someone computer with downloaded software form net and collecting information of that user and doing advertise of any things. It is also known as Software virus. There is software designed to serve advertising which known as Ad ware.

Unwelcome guests: getting rid of spyware

There is many kinds of third party software, which already have spyware and which programmed to be difficult to uninstall or remove. we are try to uninstall these kind of software, they might be back after restart the computer. There is several companies which offer free and low price software that check your computer for spy wares and other unwanted software to remove it.

There is many steps to help prevent or do
spyware removal : -

1. Uses of Firewall
:- Always use or installing firewall that's build into windows Vista and Windows Xp which provides a helpful defense against thee kind of hackers.

2. Updates your software :- You have to make sure that your windows Vista and windows Xp's all software is updated for prevent spyware and other unwanted softwares.

3. Adjust your Internet Explorer Security High
:- you have to adjust your Internet Explorer high or medium. Microsoft also recommends that keeps your IE Internet Zone to medium or higher. Go to Internet Explorer, click tools and then click on Internet option. select the security tab.

4. Download and
install antispyware protection :- There is Windows Defender protects which is come with Windows Vista and we can download from Internet for Windows Xp SP2 freely.

5. The best Defense against spy ware ands other unwanted software is not to download any unknown things. Only download programs from trusted site and read the security warnings.

There is many Spyware support forum to prevent from spy ware virus
like :-

1. The bleeping computer ( )
2. spywareinfo
3. geekstogo.
4. onlinepcfix.

In these forums we shall be connected for live help and we can put
our issues in the forums groups. An expert and other person will
give our issue's solution.